
Ranks Dead Last

Our state ranks last for quality of life and first for unfair tax deals for corporations. Coincidence? We think not.

Corporate welfare has been taking billions of our dollars we needed to move up from the bottom - robbing us of our future.

LasT In Quality of Life.

First In Corporate Handouts.

Sources: U.S. News & World Report and Good Jobs First.


to get a report on how corporate welfare is costing you and your parish — and to learn ways you can fight back.

corporate welfare

Is Bad for

In one YEar,

Corporate Welfare in Louisiana Took



from Local Schools



from Local Police

$2.3 billion of funding for our local public services was given away in special tax deals to corporations in 2021 alone - raising taxes for everyday people and killing jobs.

3 Things to Know

1. YOUR dollars ARE BEING Given to corporations

The money that’s meant for local parishes — to fund schools, police, fire, streets, bridges, water, beautification, sanitation and more — are being given away to large corporations through special tax deals. Decades of data shows that they aren’t creating jobs or growing the economy.

2. corporations pay less, you pay more

Big corporations love their special tax deals, but that means the rest of us have higher tax bills.

3. Deals Cut in the Shadows

These special tax deals are made between corporations, lobbyists, and un-elected appointees largely without the public ever knowing about them.

We Can Stop It

To see how your parish is being robbed and what you can do about it, sign up with your zip code.